Special Offers

Gracie Humaita Beaumont Free Trial Class

Still not sure that Jiu-Jitsu is for you? Don’t just take our word for it, experience Gracie Humaita Beaumont for yourself. Sign up today and enjoy a free first class!

Gracie Humaita Beaumont Charter Schools Special

Charter Schools Special

Gracie Beaumont Martial Arts is proud to partner with approved charter schools;

Granite Mountain, Safe Oak, Mission Vista, Cabrillo Point, River Springs and PPL!

We offer high-quality martial arts training for charter school students at a special rate of $185. Since charter schools cannot sign contracts, this flexible option allows students to train without long-term commitments.


For more details on how to enroll, please contact us or visit your HST for PO information. We look forward to helping your child build confidence, discipline and strength.


Gracie Humaita Beaumont Month to Month Program Memberships

Enroll in our month to month programs today and embark on the ultimate Jiu-Jitsu journey!

Our world-class instructors will lead you towards mastery, whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a beginner.

Gracie Humaita Beaumont Packages, 6 month, and 1 Year Memberships

Ready to commit? Take advantage of our starter package deals or enroll in a 6 month or 1 year program to save!

Are you Interested in

Learning More About BJJ?

Are you curious about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and want to try it out for yourself?

Our experienced instructors will guide you through the fundamental techniques of BJJ. While also providing a great workout and a fun learning experience. You’ll learn how to grapple, control and submit your opponent using leverage, technique, and timing! Skills that are both practical for self-defense and exciting for sport competition.

We offer classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, so regardless of your skill level or experience, you’ll find the right class for you. And if you’re worried about not having the proper gear, don’t worry, we have everything you need to get started – just come with comfortable workout clothes and a positive attitude.

Class Schedule!

Stay up to date on class times! Contact us if you have any questions about our classes.